Tuesday, 12 April 2011


In this first frame the lady looks back and forth withe the beat. 
The sun dont look amused.

Then when the music kicks in she dances and jiggles while
 waving her arms around. The sun looks amused now.

a wave bashes the lady which allows her to travel, the fish carry her.
After going under the water she falls out of a large pipe with the fish.

Once on dry land the dance repeats but this time includes the fish.

the lady falls back onto the fish and they take her somewhere, 
( their little faces struggling and sweating)

the take her within viewing distance of the statue of christ, 
she points as if she wants to go there

some brazilian birds help her by carrying her with rope 
while she's on a surf board.

The ropes snap and she falls!

she lands next to the statue of christ.

the ladies animal friends come along but nothing seems to be happening 
and the musics gone dead....... 

Then! the statue dances the same dance as her and she becomes happy 
(music kicks in)

EVERYONE dances together!

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