Friday, 6 May 2011

MY FINAL animation!!!...

i wish i had more tim to extend my animation, but i am proud of it as it expresses my 3 words and has a slight humour to it!!!

Tuesday, 3 May 2011


In the below rayogram  i painted on the developer
 to give the image a different look.

in the two rayograms below 
i used an old negative and moved 
it around to give a motion blur effect.

Below i created little people using different 

MoRE eXpeRiMENTS...............


i found the i can animate mobile app!
i compiled a few of my animations together 
to create a longer animation.

here i used photoshop and added layers and blended them (blending options/ overlay) to give
 the effect that the designs were painted onto the garage. 
Then i added all the photos to istopmotion and created the animation.
  I then used imovie to refine.

Monday, 2 May 2011


Here are some characters i designed and developed 
for my animation.

I tried to give the fish human qualities
 so they can be easily animated 

the fish look better cute...

The statue of christ looks better with longer arms 
so they can be animated more fluently when he's dancing

The bikkini girl designs

i decided not to add fingers or toes to make the animation more
 simple as i will be drawing this character again and again. 
so i made her have little Stubbs 


The Fish in this animation have been given human like qualities 
which make them more easily animated and much more expressive 

i couldnt find a non- edited version of this clip 
but this is a good example of an animated fish 


is probably the most well known animation featuring Fish
and the designs of the characters are amazing but also a little too complex for 
the short time i have to complete my animation. 
my characters must be much more simple but almost as effective.

Stop MOtIon eXPerImets........

An Animation i created with my trainers, the movie drags on a little
 but i was just practising using imovie! 

Another vans dance!.......................

The Edited version of the above animation... 
i added some music, not my allocated piece of music but i just wanted
 to experiment with different tempos...